
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-19 15:42   发布人:张艳



fantasy               n. an exciting and unusual experience or situation you imagine happening to you, but which will probably never happen幻想故事

                            Young children sometimes can't distinguish between fantasy and reality.


He attempts to build an empire in a fantasy world.他想要在虚幻世界里建立一个王国。

相关表达:      fantastic adj.好极了,棒极了;怪异的

                            The concert was fantastic.音乐会棒极了。

                            His behaviour a the party was fantastic.他昨晚在会上的行为很怪异。

记忆点拨:             fan(出现)—tasy(名词后缀)(只出现在思想中)


ambassador         n. 大使

                            He was appointed ambassador to Japan at the age of 35. 他被派为驻日大使。

词义辨析:      embassy n.使馆;大使及其随从

                American Embassy in China美国驻华大使馆


Escalopia             n. 艾斯卡罗比亚(虚构的国名)


frightful              adj. 可怕的,令人吃惊的(旧说) unpleasant or bad

The famous actor died in a frightful car accident.那个著名的演员死于一场可怕的车祸。


fire extinguisher  灭火器

Children are learning how to use fire extinguisher. 孩子们在学习如何使用灭火器。


drily                   adv. if you say something dryly, you say something that is amusing but you appear to be completely serious冷淡地,枯燥无味地,不加渲染地

'I hear you're a hero,' Philip said dryly. 我听说你是个英雄,菲利普冷淡地说。


embassy          n. 大使馆

The embassy was attacked by a few radical racialists.大使馆受到了几个激进的种族主义者的袭击。

记忆点拨:       发音:em—ba—ssy


heaven            n. 天,天堂

Good people are believed to go to heaven when they die.大家都相信好人死后会上天堂。

Oh, for Heaven's sake! Could you stop singing? 看在老天的份上,你别唱了行吗?

实际应用:     老天在上!By Heaven!

                          天知道!Heaven knows!

记忆点拨:       发音:hea--ven


basement        n. 地下室

The couple was so poor when they first came to Canada that they could only afford to rent a basement. 这对夫妇刚来加拿大的时候很穷只能租的起地下室。

This house has a basement which is converted to a warehouse.这个房子有个地下室,被改成了仓库。

记忆点拨:       base(底部,基础)—ment(名次后缀)


definitely        adv. without any doubt [= certainly]定地

It may not be his finest performance, but it's definitely his funniest.这可能不是他最好的表演,但是很定是最有趣的。

It is definitely a special event for me to make a speech before such a large audience.在这么多听众面前讲话对我来说绝对是特别的事情。

相关表达:       definite adj.明确的,一定的

               definition n阐明;确定

certainly adv.肯定地

记忆点拨:       de—finite(界限)—ly


post                v. 派任;n. 职位

My brother joined the army and was posted to Tibet.我哥哥参军了,被派到西藏。

There is a vacant post in this company, so you can have a try. 这个公司有个空缺职位,你可以来试试。

相关表达:       position  n.位置, 职位


shot                n. 子弹

                        He fired a shot at the bird but missed.他朝鸟开了一枪,但是没打着。

相关表达:     ball n.子弹

bullet n.子弹

习语:              big shot大人物,要员

a shot in the arm振奋人精神的事物


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