
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-19 15:45   发布人:张艳



noble                 adj. someone who is noble behaves in a morally good or generous way that should be admired高尚的;something that is noble is very impressive and      beautiful壮丽的,宏伟的;贵族的

This noble monument is built to commemorate our war heroes这座宏伟的纪念碑是为了纪念战争中的英雄而建的。

                        He claimed he was a man of noble birth他声称自己出身贵族。

实际应用:        高尚的理想noble ideals

                           贵族出身noble birth


monument         n. 纪念碑

实际应用:     人民英雄纪念碑the Monument to the People's Heroes

The monument was erected in memory of the soldiers died in the war.这个纪念碑是为了纪念在战争中死去的战士而建立的。

记忆点拨:          发音:monument(名词后缀)


statue          n. an image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and is usually large雕像

At the tall entrance of the temple, sit four statues. 四尊雕像坐落在庙的入口处。

词义辨析:     statue表示大于或等于原物的人或动物的雕像

sculpture  n. the art of making solid objects representing people or animals out of stone, wood, clay etc or the objects produced in this form of art雕刻艺术,或雕刻作品

The professor showed his students an interesting abstract sculptur.教授把一件有意思的抽象雕刻作品给他的学生看。


liberty                n. the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority自由

After ten years of imprisonment, he was given liberty at last. 十年监禁之后他最终获得了自由。

词组拓展:     言论自由liberty of speech

自由, 随意; 闲着at liberty

冒昧行事take the liberty of doing sth. 

冒昧行事take the liberty to do sth.

相关表达:       liberate v.解放

liberal adj. 慷慨的, 不拘泥的, 宽大的

freedom n. the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone自由

记忆点拨:       liber(自由)—ty


present              v. to give something to someone, especially at a formal or official occasion赠送;v. to show something such as an official document or ticket to someone in an official position提出;呈递

The president presented the hero a gold cup. 总统把一个金质奖杯颁给了那位英雄。

The students presented flowers to their teacher. 学生们给老师送花。


sculptor             n. 雕刻家

The sculptor is regarded as one of the outstandingly original artists of his time. 这个雕刻家在他的那个时代

记忆点拨:       sculpt(雕刻)—or(名词后缀)


actual                adj. used to emphasize that something is real or exact实际的,真实的

We do not know the actual location of the shop.我们不知道商店的实际位置。

You have to tell him your actual feeling.你得告诉他你真实的感受。

The judge's ruling was made according to the actual situation.法官是根据实际情况做出裁决的。

相关表达:          actually adv.实际上

This little knife is actually a highly versatile tool.这把小刀实际上是一个功能非常多的工具。

The sound was actually coming from drawer.声音实际上是从抽屉里传出来的。


copper             n.

                        In the old days, mirror was made of copper. 在过去镜子是由铜做的。


support           v. 支持;支撑;养活n. 支持

A majority of the congressmen support the bill. 大多数国会成员支持这个议案。

The roof of the temple are supported by four pillars.庙的屋顶由四个柱子支撑。

A large part of her salary is used to support her family. 她工资的大部分用来养家。

His family's involvement and support was one of the major influences in his success.他家人的参与与支持是让他成功的主要影响。

词组拓展:     support oneself自谋生计

                          come to one's support来支持某人

记忆点拨:       sup(下面)—port()(在下面拿住)


framework         n. 构架,框架;体制,结构

The gigantic ship has a rigid steel framework. 这艘巨大的轮船有坚固的钢结构。

We must solve international conflict with the framework of the United Nations.我们必须在联合国框架内解决国际争端。

相关表达:          frame n.框;诬陷

The frame of the painting has become rotten. 这副画的画框腐烂了。

                        The two men were framed for murder. 两个人被诬陷谋杀。


transport           v. to take goods, people etc from one place to another in a vehicle运送;n. 交通

China has one-sixth of the world's railway lines and 23 per cent of the transport volume. 中国拥有占世界1/6的铁路线,承载了世界运输量的23%

We see the importance of constructing transport linkage within the region. 我们意识到了在这个区域里建立交通连接的重要性。

实际应用:       公共交通体系public transport system

The visitors were transported to the Summer Palace by a wooden boat. 游客们坐着木船被送到了颐和园。

相关表达:       transportation n.运输

记忆点拨:        trans(through)—port()


site                 n. 场地;遗址

实际应用:       建筑工地a construction site

The headmaster has chosen a good site for the school. 校长已经选好了一个建学校的好地址。

滑铁卢战役的遗址the site of the Battle of Waterloo


pedestal          n. 底座

                        The pedestal of the sculpture is made of copper.这个雕塑的底座是铜制的。

记忆点拨:       ped(足,脚)—estal(名词后缀)


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