
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-19 15:38   发布人:张艳











slip                    n. a small mistake小错误;a small or narrow piece of paper小纸条

I mean “best” not “pest”--it was just a slip of the tongue. 我的意思是最好的,不是害虫,这只不过是口误。

词组拓展:     slip of the tongue 口误

slip of the pen笔误

deposit slip 存单

pink slip 辞退信

let slip错过;失去;失言

相关表达:       blunder n.大错

                           mistake n.错误,过失


comedy            n. 喜剧

The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s comedies. 威尼斯商人是莎士比亚地喜剧之一。

相关表达:       comedian n.戏剧演员

 tragedy n.悲剧

记忆点拨:       分割:come—dy(大家都来看的)


present               v. 演出to give a performance in a theatre, cinema, etc, or broadcast a programme on television or radioadj. 出席,到场的

They will present Hamlet in the Globe theatre tonight.今晚他们将在环球剧院上演哈姆雷特。

How many people were present at the meeting yesterday? 昨天有多少人出席会议?

词组拓展:     at present现在;目前

                          for the present眼前;暂时


queue             v. 排队n. 队伍

I have been queuing for hours to get a train ticket.为了买张火车票我已经排队排了几个小时了。

If he were a gentleman, he would not jump the queue.如果他是绅士他就不会插队的。

词组拓展:     queue up for排队等候

                           jump the queue 不按次序排队,加塞儿

                           stand in a queue站成长队

词义辨析:       line n. 队伍


dull            adj. 枯燥,无味not interesting or exciting;(颜色)灰暗的not bright or shiny;(声音)沉闷的not clear or loud

实际应用:       枯燥的讲话dull speech

枯燥的书dull books

颜色灰暗的家具dull-colored furniture

一声闷雷a dull thud

My feet took turns kicking at the thick snow, making a dull squeaking sound.我的脚轮流踩在厚厚的雪地上,发出单调的吱吱声。

词义辨析:     boring adj.枯燥的not interesting in any way

The lecture was so boring that nearly half of the audience fell asleep.讲座非常无聊,几乎一半的听众都睡着了。


artiste             n. 艺人

词义辨析:       artist n.艺术家,画家


advertiser       n. 报幕员

记忆点拨:       ad-vert()-ise(动词后缀)er(名词后缀)

相关表达:       advertise v.做广告

advertisement n.广告

advertising n.广告业


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