
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-01 09:17   发布人:张艳

详细讲解新概念第二册第四单元单词。是张艳老师所写的《新概念词汇进阶》的一部分LIST 81
prisoner    n. 囚犯
Photos showing US soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners drew international condemnation.美国士兵虐待伊拉克囚犯的照片引起了国际的谴责。
实际应用:      战俘prisoner of war

bush     n. 灌木丛
实际应用:  一片灌木林a clump of bushes
浓浓的头发a bush of hair
A rabbit jumped suddenly out of the bush, which scared me.从灌木丛里突然跳出来一只兔子,吓了我一跳。
习语:     beat about /around the bush转弯抹角地谈话, 旁敲侧击

rapidly      adv. done or happening very quickly and in a very short time迅速地
      Computer techonogy is developing rapidly.电脑科技正迅速发展。
He rapidly made the decision and accepted the job offer.他迅速作出了决定接受了这份工作。
相关表达:     rapid adj. 迅速的
China has made rapid progress in many areas since reform and opening-up. 自从改革开放以来中国在各个领域里都取得了迅猛的进步。
His response to the rumour was rapid.他对谣言的反应很迅速。
词义辨析:     fast rapid swift quick speedy hasty都含“迅速的”、 “快的”意思。
Fast(moving quickly)多指“运动的人或物”, 如:
a fast typist一个快速打字员
rapid(happening or done very quickly and in a very short time)多指“ 运动本身”, 如:
rapid transcription快速抄写
swift (happening or done quickly and immediately)指“快速的”, 但经常含有“灵巧的”, “优美的”, “不费力的”意思; 在很多场合, 可与quick、fast通用, 但swift带有文学意味, 是比较正式的用词, 如:
The express is as swift as an arrow.快车似箭一般地飞驶。
Quick(lasting for or taking only a short time) 指“用较短的时间, 或在较近的将来而动作或理解迅速的”, 如:
a quick reply一个迅速的回答
speedy (happening or done quickly or without delay)含有“时间快、速度快并且迅速把事情办好”的意思, 如:
a speedy fight速战
hasty (done in a hurry, especially with bad results)指“行动快的”, 又指“急速的”、“草率的”, 如:
a hasty decision匆忙做出的决定

uniform      n. 制服;adj. being the same in all its parts or among all its members统一的
All the assistants in the shop are dressed in blue uniforms.这家商店里地售货员全都穿蓝色制服。
Schoolchildren in green uniforms passed the street orderly.穿绿色校服的学生有秩序地过马路。
记忆点拨:  uni(单一)—form(形式)

rifle       n. 来福枪,步枪

shoulder      n. 肩;v. 承担
He shrugged his shoulders and told me this was as far as he could help.他耸了耸肩告诉我他最多只能帮到这么多了。
Fortunately we went through the difficulty situation shoulder to shoulder.很幸运,我们肩并肩地走过了困境。
词组拓展:     shoulder the blame 承担斥责
shoulder the responsibility承担责任
shoulder to shoulder肩并肩;团结一致
head and shoulders above远胜于,极大地优于

march   v. to walk quickly and with firm, regular steps like a soldier行进;大步走
Everybody cheered when the army marched past us.当军队行军走过我们的时候,大家都欢呼了起来。
词组拓展:     on the march在行进中;在发展中
记忆点拨:    与三月拼写相同March

boldly       adv. 大胆地
Nonetheless, some forward-thinking lawyers are boldly going forth into this legal frontier.
      She boldly speaks her mind.她大胆地说出了她地想法。
相关表达:      bold adj. 大胆的,鲁莽的so confident or determined that you sometimes offend people
            He is a bold and impudent child.他是一个鲁莽的,放肆的小孩。
 He rushed in, as bold as brass, asked the mayor to stop the meeting.他鲁莽的冲进去,叫市长停止开会。
习语:        as bold as brass鲁莽;厚颜无耻
记忆点拨:     bold(鲁莽)—ly(副词后缀)

blaze       v. to burn very brightly and strongly闪耀
They were talking in the warm room, with a fire blazing in the hearth.他们在温暖的房间里聊天,壁炉里着着火。
The sun was blazing over my head making me feel thirty.太阳在我头顶晒着,让我感觉很渴。
The blazing light made it hard for me to open my eyes.强光让我很难睁开眼睛。
      His eyes are blazing hatred.他的眼睛里闪耀着仇恨。
相关表达:     flare v.闪光, 闪耀
sparkle v.发火花, (使)闪耀
twinkle v.闪烁, 闪耀

salute   v. to move your right hand to your head, especially in order to show respect to an officer in the army, navy etc行礼
The soldiers saluted to the general as he was inspecting the army. 当将军视察军队的时候士兵们向他行礼。
记忆点拨:    来自法语,分割:sa—lute

elderly       adj. 上了年纪的
German police are searching for an elderly woman who attempted to rob a bank.德国警方正在搜查一个要抢银行的老太太。
The elderly in this city live on pension.这个城市的老年人靠养老金生活。
词义辨析:    older, elder, elderly, senior citizen
My elder/older daughter is at university.我的大女儿在上大学。
也可以表示资格老的成员elder members of the community 社区的老成员
She is older than me.她比我大。
现在很多人都喜欢被称为senior citizen,这是现在最常见,最有礼貌和最被接受的表达方式
记忆点拨:    elder—ly

grey     adj. 灰白的,灰色的(gray)
实际应用:      灰白头发grey hair
灰暗的天空grey sky
灰领(从事服务行业的人)grey collar
    一个穿灰袍的巫师a wizard in grey robe

sharp   adj. 猛烈的fierce or impetuous; violent;急剧的very sudden and very big
He had noted a sharp increase in cases of cancers in the polluted area. 他已经注意到了在污染的地区癌症病例急剧的增加。
实际应用: 猛烈的袭击a sharp assault
猛的一吸气a sharp intake of breath
价格的急剧增长a sharp increase in prices
记忆点拨:    夏普电器的英文名称即sharp

blow     n. a hard hit with the hand, a tool, or a weapon打击;v. 吹;爆炸;刮风
He gave the robber a heavy blow on his head.他向抢劫犯头上重重的打了一拳。
A British passport holder tried to blow up an airliner with a bomb in his shoe.一个持有英国护照的人试图用藏在鞋里的炸弹炸一架客机。
She blew the soup to make it cooler.她吹了吹汤,想把汤吹凉。
The wind has blown my hat off. 风把我的帽子刮走了。

strike   n. 击打(在垒球或保龄球运动中)


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